Ambrose Mueller began his business as a pharmacist in 1896 in Old Orchard in a small store 20x30 feet. He then bought out the Webster Pharmacy in 1898 in the Bristol Building. Then 1919 he bought out the Grove Pharmacy in the Empire Building and then finally building his own beautiful building in 1931.
The Webster News-Times on April 17, 1931 described it as "One of the most handsome, if not handsomest in St. Louis County and affords the store about 4,000 square feet of floor space. The dignified buff mat brick and terra cotta structure joins the Webster Groves Trust Company on the north and is fit companion to that handsome new bank home completed last fall."
"A copper and glass manquise hung by chains, tied to the main building, is a distinctive feature. The glass front is put in ventilating strips with tapestried glass in the transom with ventilators. By clever arrangement the from affords three large display windows".
"A main lobby entrance, effectively handled with graceful arches, leads to the second floor, to the book store, to the basement and is a side approach to the drug store".
"On the main floor is a book store and a drug store. One entire side of the drug store is given over to drugs and is immediately connected with a large and very modern prescription department. The 26-foot soda fountain and luncheonette are the latest and most modern equipment. The fixtures throughout the store are genuine walnut".
"In lighting. flooring and every other detail the Meuller building has set a new standard for commercial construction in St. Louis County".
In the September 7, 1950 Webster News-Times edition they described "One of Webster's famous sons, band leader and composer Gordon Jenkins, paid a deserving and beautiful tribute to the Meuller drugstore in his popular song of 1945, "Homesick." He referred to the famous sodas and sundaes concocted by Meuller's, his hometown drugstore. Many of Webster servicemen heard this tune while overseas and it brought back pleasant memories to them as it always will to all Webster people".
On Saturday, February 18, 1939 a great fire began in the basement and was discovered shortly before noon while the store was open with over two dozen customers having lunch. The fire raged for two hours before it was brought under control. $50,000 of damages were incurred.
They had enormous outpouring of support from the community. They relocated to temporary storefront with two weeks and they rebuilt and were back up and running in the building by the end of the year. Most of the other tenants did not return.